Despite the considerable efforts of our hard-working and dedicated health professionals, waiting times at surgeries and clinics often remain very lengthy. Scottish Personal Health is the only contemporary publication of its kind which aims to fill that waiting time with invaluable information and guidance, covering the full range of health and lifestyle issues.
Made available free of charge wherever Scots might be waiting for medical treatment and advice, Scottish Personal Health provides a breath of fresh air to sweep over the out of date reading materials of the past.
Its 84 page, A4 format allows SPH the luxury of covering the full range of health and lifestyle topics. For the forthcoming issue, these will include the following:
Diet & Nutrition;
Maternity and Ante-Natal;
Mental Health;
Disability & Personal Welfare;
Exercise & Activity For Health.
There will also be our regular features, including readers letters, SPH opinion, Doctor C’s advice, NHS News & Holyrood Health.
* There are 958 GP sites in Scotland, with approximately another 2000 made up of opthalmic practices, community pharmacies and dentistry sites. In addition, there are over 300 hospitals.
* The average Scot visits a Doctor an average of six times a year. That's more than 30 million appointments annually.
* There were 1.65 million A & E visits by Scots during the last full year.
* One third of the Scottish population receive opthalmic treatment annually.
Copies are provided free of charge to every public medical site in Scotland, with additional copies made available upon request.
In addition, significant numbers of copies will be provided to Health Boards, Health Charities and other health related organisations.
Thus, its target audience is not only those who are ill, or who are seeking medical advice, but also those who might simply wish to learn about the lifestyle and treatment issues which are available to them.
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